To request an appointment, please call the office.We will need the following information:

Location: Hicksville or Islandia.Date: Best Day of the Week for your Appointment.Time: Morning or Afternoon.Provider: Preferred doctor if any or first available.Urgency: How soon did your doctor want you seen?Problems or Symptoms.Insurance Information.Personal Information: Date of Birth, Phone Number, Sex.Referrals: Who referred you?

Eye Emergency

The Retina Group of New York can be reached 7x24x365 by calling the office at (516) 939-6100 or (631) 273-1818. Seek emergency care if you believe your eyesight is in jeopardy, if you are in severe pain, or if you have any of the following symptoms:● Sudden vision loss.● Pain in or around the eye.● Redness accompanied by pain in the eye.● Halos (colored circles around lights).● New floaters (spots, strings, cobwebs, or shadows before the eyes).● Bulging of the eye or swelling of eye tissues.● Flashes or streaks of light.● Double vision.● Sudden crossed, turned or "wandering" eye.● Discharge, crusting or excessive tearing.● Eyelids stuck together, especially upon awakening.● Sudden blurring of vision.

What kinds of emergency problems are seen by the Retina Group of New York?

Serious eye injuries and conditions include:
● Complications of cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery and retinal surgery performed elsewhere.
● Eye infections and postoperative infections.
● Cuts (lacerations) to the eye.
● Blunt trauma to the eye.
● Sports-related eye injuries.
● Eye chemical exposure.
● Foreign body in the eye.

If I have an eye injury, can I drive myself for treatment?

If you have a severe eye problem, do not try to drive yourself anywhere. It is preferable to have a family member or friend come with you, or if necessary take a cab. Even if you can see well enough to drive, the doctor may use drops that affect your vision and which will prevent you from driving home from the office or hospital. If you have to drive, tell the staff that you do not want the healthy eye examined unless necessary. If you need transportation home we will arrange it.

Request Urgent Appointment

Please call the office at (516) 939-6100 or (631) 273-1818 to make an appointment. For emergencies after hours in the evening or weekends, you will reach the doctor or leave a message and we will call you back within 15 minutes. We generally see emergencies the next morning unless more urgent. If you need to go to the hospital for problems in addition to your eyes, we prefer that you go to Syosset Hospital. You will be evaluated by the ER physician and an ophthalmology resident and you should ask them to contact our office so we can see you.

Routine Appointments

For routine appointments call the office at (516) 939-6100 or (631) 273-1818.Please indicate which office you prefer, which doctor, day of the week and morning or afternoon preference. We will need your date of birth, sex and insurance information and contact information. You may download and fill out forms for your visit or we can mail or fax these to you if time permits. You may need to obtain a referral or prior authorization from your insurance company.