RGONY offers in-office laser treatment for many conditions, including diabetic retinopathy, branch and central retinal vein occlusions, treatment of retinal tears and lattice degeneration for prevention of retinal detachments, and pneumatic retinopexy treatment of retinal detachments. We have performed over 20,000 intravitreal injections of medications, including Eylea, Lucentis, Avastin, Ozurdex, and Iluvien.

In Office Laser and Pharmacologic Treatments.

In Office Laser and Pharmacologic Treatments


Laser treatments are performed in each office on a daily basis for a variety of retinal conditions.

Lasers emit a very bright beam of light that is focused on the retina to treat a variety of conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy, branch and central retinal vein occlusions, macular degeneration, and retinal tears. The treatments only take a few minutes and may be performed with anesthetic eye drops and often with a contact lens. The laser light is quite bright, and treatment may require a few spots or many hundreds of spots, depending on the condition. Vision is usually blurred for just a few moments from the bright light similar to a flash bulb exposure. If a contact lens is placed in the eye, the lubricating solution used to make contact and prevent scratching the cornea will be washed out. The eye should be back to the pretreatment state by the next day when the dilating drops wear off.

Laser Eye Surgery.

Laser treatments are commonly performed in the office for diabetic retinopathy, prevention of retinal detachment, branch and central retinal vein occlusion, macroaneurysms, and retinal vascular abnormalities.

  • Conditions commonly treated with Laser

    ● Diabetic Retinopathy.● Macular Degeneration.● Central Serous Retinopathy.● Retinal Tears.● Retinal Detachments.● Macroaneurysms.● Sickle Cell Retinopathy.● Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion.● Central Retinal Vein Occlusion.

  • Laser Treatment for Diabetic Macular Edema

    Background diabetic retinopathy may cause macular edema, or swelling of the central portion of the retina, which may result in blurred vision.
    The National Eye Institute concluded that laser treatment was more effective than observation for diabetic retinopathy with clinically significant macular edema in a national trial completed in 1985. Treatment reduced the risk of visual loss by more than 50 percent, increased the chance of visual improvement and decreased the frequency of persistent macular edema. The treatment was found to be better at preventing visual loss than improving It and may be indicated even with 20/20 vision if the center of the macula is threatened. There is no alternative treatment for background diabetic retinopathy other than good control of underlying medical problems, laser therapy or intravitreal injections. Laser is often used as an adjunctive therapy with diabetics to decrease the injection burden.

Discover the future of eye care with our FDA-approved medications for eye problems. Our innovative solutions, including Vabysmo, Eylea, Lucentis, Avastin, Ozurdex, Cimerli, Izervay, and Eylea HD, offer safe and effective treatments that provide lasting relief. Experience near painless medication administration, akin to cataract-type anesthesia, designed to help you see the world more clearly.

Our range of medications effectively combat various ocular concerns—diabetic retinopathy, both wet and dry forms of macular degeneration, and retinal vein occlusions. Beyond pharmacological advances, we provide proven surgical treatments for floaters, retinal tears, retinal detachments, cataract surgery complications, macular pucker and macular holes, along with meticulous care for ocular infections, second opinions, and hereditary retinal conditions.

The Retina Group of New York uses FDA approved eye treatments proven through tens of thousands of patient experiences to be both safe and effective. Whether you require brief in-office procedures or ambulatory surgery for more complex needs, we are here to illuminate your path to improved vision. Discover Our Range of Revolutionary Eye Medications today and take the first step towards a clearer tomorrow.


Over the past decade, medications have emerged as the preferred treatment for many retinal conditions, such as exudative macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, uveitis, glaucoma and retinal vein occlusions. These include FDA-approved medications such as anti-VEGF inhibitors Lucentis, Eylea and off-label use of Avastin have been replaced with longer acting medications such as Vabysmo and Eylea HD or biosimilar lower priced drugs like Cimerli. Steroid medications approved for intravitreal usage include Ozurdex, Iluvien, Triescence, Retisert and XIPERE®. The rate of deterioration in vision from the dry form of macular degeneration can now be slowed substantially with Syfovre and Iservay. Off-label FDA-approved drugs such as Avastin also are used in the eye. These medications are administered in the office using topical anesthetic agents on a routine basis by retinal specialists and are generally safe and effective for many conditions with less than 1% complication rate over years. They are injected in the vitreous cavity with little discomfort as frequently as monthly. Some medications last for at least 3 months and some have a duration of action as long as 3 years. Many companies are developing longer-lasting medications or long-term delivery systems.

Uveitis patients can sometimes avoid complications of long-term systemic steroid use with steroid implants surgically inserted into the eye, such as Ozurdex and Retisert for some inflammatory conditions. Immunosuppressive therapies used in the treatment of uveitis include methotrexate, azathioprine, and mycophenolate mofetil. More recently, options available to treat people with severe uveitis that does not respond to other therapies include tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers such as adalimumab (Humira) (injected under the skin. Acthar, an FDA-approved medication since 1952, may help uveitis patients via stimulation of the body’s own endogenous steroid production and potential direct anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.

"Since 2005, we have experienced a dramatic improvement and change in treatment for a variety of ophthalmic conditions using medications in the eye. These medications have revolutionized treatments of macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusions, and diabetic retinopathy. Miraculous anti-VEGF medications have enabled us to stabilize 90% of eyes or even improve vision in about a third of patients with exudative or the "wet" form of macular degeneration for years. Medications are effective in stabilizing or improving vision for patients with diabetic macular edema." James M. Maisel, M.D. "Since 2005, we have experienced a dramatic improvement and change in treatment for a variety of ophthalmic conditions using medications in the eye. These medications have revolutionized treatments of macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusions, and diabetic retinopathy. Miraculous anti-VEGF medications have enabled us to stabilize 90% of eyes or even improve vision in about a third of patients with exudative or the "wet" form of macular degeneration for years. Medications are effective in stabilizing or improving vision for patients with diabetic macular edema." - James M. Maisel, M.D.


Disclosure Doctors in the Retina Group of New York serve on the medical advisory board and lecture to patients and physicians in pharmaceutical-sponsored events that are monitored and regulated closely by the FDA. We do this because we believe in the medications, want to understand everything possible about them and their uses and keep abreast of the latest innovations and future treatments in development. We work with top retinal physicians from around the country and strive to educate other retinal doctors with our knowledge and experience. We have no incentive to pick one medication over another and always act in the best interests of our patients.


The Retina Group of New York is Experienced in All Aspects of Vitreous and Retinal Surgery.

● Laser surgery● Complications of cataract surgery● Retinal detachment repair● Proliferative vitreoretinopathy surgery● Macular hole repair● Macular pucker● Uveitis● Endophthalmitis treatment● Eye trauma surgery● Eye tumor treatment● Glaucoma surgery● Cryotherapy● Vitreous biopsy

The Retina Group of New York performs vitreous surgery for a number of retinal specialists for complicated cases.


Low Vision

Low vision occurs with loss of eyesight, which makes it difficult to accomplish everyday tasks.

Low vision is a loss of eyesight that makes everyday tasks difficult, such as reading, watching television, driving a car, or recognizing faces. Total blindness is very unusual and most patients can maintain their independence and perform many of their former visual tasks with assistance and flexibility. When vision cannot be improved sufficiently with glasses, medications, laser, or surgery, we attempt to help patients get the best use of their remaining vision. Depending on the degree and pattern of visual loss, patients may benefit from visual or non-visual aids.

  • Patterns of Visual Loss

    ● Fine central vision.● Side vision.● Contrast sensitivity.● Night vision.● Peripheral vision.● Color vision.When visual loss is severe in both eyes, patients may experience visual illusions of the Charles Bonnet Syndrome that should not be confused with dementia, hallucinations or dementia.

  • Low Vision Treatment

    Low Vision may be treated with bright lightings, optical or electronic aids. Different solutions are recommended by low vision specialists depending on the patient's vision, needs and abilities. Losing vision does not mean giving up your activities, but it may require new ways of doing them. The average patient requires 3 or 4 devices to perform most activities. When optical magnifiers do not work, electronic aids such as a CCTV, Kindle® or iPad® may be helpful. Sometimes it is just easier to use talking books. There are numerous programs available for smartphones. Some cases are referred to low vision specialists. If peripheral vision is limited then ambulatory training will be suggested. An occupational therapist, experienced in working with low vision patients, can come to your home to assist you in organizing your activities and address your needs.

  • Legal Blindness

    Patients may be classified legally blind if they have less than 20/200 best corrected visual acuity with both eyes together or limited visual fields. Most patients who are legally blind are still able to do most activities of daily living with their existing vision. Being classified as legally blind will result in the loss of your driver's license but may entitle you to a free low-vision evaluation and a Federal Tax Deduction. You can get a New York License for identification purposes. The Retina Group of New York can file this paperwork.